Jau vakar jutām, ka uz mūsu blakus ielas - gājēju ielas, kaut kas būs... taču IR tikai tā pa īstam šodien. Pēcpusdienā dzirdam, ka aiz durvim sāk kaut kas drebēt un veidot jocīgas skaņas. Tāds kā maršs, tādi kā oficiāli soļi jūtami... izejam ārā skatīties, un redzam, ka pa ielu virzās muzikālā parāde! Vīri smalkos kostīmos, nopakaļ brauc rati ar dāmām karnevāla tērpos un kapteini... Un maršs tomēr ir. Nez, ko viņi šodien svin? Vai arī tā būs turpmāk katru sestdienu???
Ielas galā, tepat blakus, uz ielas, kur ir satiksmes aplis (tā vairs nav), ir uzslieta skatuve un pilnā balsī dzied visādas vācu/ beļģu/ nīderlandiešu šlagerdziesmas un populāro mūziku! Ir liela telts un pārdod alu, ir daudz cilvēku pusmūžā un gados. Īpaši līdzi dzied, līgojas un dejo omītes! Cik saprotam, mākslinieki ir sabiedrībā pazīstamas personības. Bija arī televīzija un profesionālie fotogrāfi. Varbūt mūs ar' parādīs pa Dutch TV :D
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZjDg-sQNC4&feature=youtu.be
P.S. bildes tādas patumšas, jo bija pārāk spoža saule; neko darīt. Atvainojos.
* Already yesterday we felt that something is going to happen on the street next to us - on the shopping street, however, only today something there really happened. In the afternoon we hear that something is marching almost by the window, something is making weird sounds.
Sounds like marching and like an official thing... Then we go outside to take a peek, and what we see is a parade on the shopping street! Men in costumes, an orchestra, behind them there is a carriage with ladies wearing carnival costumes and a captain walking behind. And turns out there is marching, indeed! I wonder what do they celebrate? And is this going to happen each Saturday from now on???
Šis ir tas pasākums, laikam... /This is the event, I guess... |
At the end of the street, right around the corner, there is a traffic circle (well, there was one), where a stage is built and singers are singing many different songs in Belgian, German and Dutch. Some popular country music is sung, there is also a beer stall and many mid-age people, and quite many grannies. They vigorously dance and sing along!
As we get it, these performers are popular here. There is also a television crew and photographers. Maybe me and Renate will show up on the Dutch TV, who knows! :D
Let they sing, while we are going to listen them through our home windows (there is no escape, after all).
Here are also some links to two videos from the concert and the parade. One of the songs sounds very Latvian, by the way.
P.S. Pictures are too dark because of the bright sun on the street. Sorry for that.
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