Vēl viena skolas nedēļa beigusies, tagad atkal priekšā brīvdienas un atpūta! Rīt dodos uz Amsterdamu! Otro reizi dzīvē. Bet pirmo reizi tā pa īstam, ar abām kājām pa Amsterdamas ielām, nevis tikai -5 metrus zem jūras līmeņa lidostā.. Amstedamā būs internacionālo kristīgo studentu saiets līdz pēcpusdienai, tad apskatīsim pilsētu, tad atradīsim kādu, pie kā palikt pa nakti, svētdien iesim uz Hillsong church un brauksim atpakaļ uz Bredu! Kā tas viss patiesībā izvētīsies un izskatīsies, varēsiet lasīt blogā jaunnedēļ!
Lai arī jums jaukas brīvdienas!
Another school week is over, and now it's time to relax and have some holidays! I go to Amsterdam tomorrow! For the second time in my life. But this time - for real, with both feet on Amterdam's streets, not just -5 metres under the sea level in the airport... There is going to be an international Christian students' meeting in Amsterdam which we will attend, in the afternoon we will discover the city and at night look for somebody to stay at for a night. On Sunday we plan to attend the Hillsong church and then go back to Breda. How it all is going to look and appear in real life, come and read on my blog next week!
I wish a good weekend for you as well!
Friday, September 21, 2012
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Holandē kļūst arvien jautrāk! / *It gets more fun in Holland!
Beidzot esmu satikusi arī atbrīvotus, smieklīgus, smejošus un vienkārši kolosālus vietējos studentus! Līdz šim bija iespaids, ka holandiešu kultūrā ir normāli būt tikai normālam, nopietnam, nosvērtam, intravertam un mierīgam. Lielākoties tā jau arī ir, bet man kā cilvēkam ar noslieci uz smiešanos un jokošanos, kā arī brīvu un nepiespiestu komunikāciju, šādu cilvēku sāka jau pietrūkt! Paldies Dievam, man blakus ikdienā ir Renāte, ar kuru mēs vai katru dienu izsmejamies tā, ka iekšas sāp; bet ir liels prieks beidzot satikt kādus smējējus arī no vietējo vidus!!! Un mēs patiešām spējam smieties kopā... jo reizēm holandiešu humors ir tik advancēts, ka mums vienkārši šķiet, ka esam stulbas :D Ak, priecīgā dieniņa!
P.S. un šie cilvēki prot būt arī nopietni un normāli, taču tas jau ir cits stāsts.
Par priecīgiem un atvērtiem holandiešiem!
*Finally I have met some relaxed, funny, laughing and simply awesome local students! Until I met them I had an impression that Dutch culture is all about being 'normal', serious, sedate, intravert and calm. Most of the time it really is whis way. But for me as for a joking and laughing-loving person as well as tended to an open and natural conversation, this kind of people started to miss! Thank God I have Renate by my side daily, and we can laugh together until our guts hurt; but I am very happy to finally meet our kind: laughing-people who are locals! And we are able to laugh all together... because sometimes Dutch humor is so advanced that we actually think we are stupid! :D Oh happy day!
P.S. and these people also can be serious and 'normal', but that is another story.
We stand for cheerful and open-minded Dutch!
P.S. un šie cilvēki prot būt arī nopietni un normāli, taču tas jau ir cits stāsts.
Par priecīgiem un atvērtiem holandiešiem!
*Finally I have met some relaxed, funny, laughing and simply awesome local students! Until I met them I had an impression that Dutch culture is all about being 'normal', serious, sedate, intravert and calm. Most of the time it really is whis way. But for me as for a joking and laughing-loving person as well as tended to an open and natural conversation, this kind of people started to miss! Thank God I have Renate by my side daily, and we can laugh together until our guts hurt; but I am very happy to finally meet our kind: laughing-people who are locals! And we are able to laugh all together... because sometimes Dutch humor is so advanced that we actually think we are stupid! :D Oh happy day!
P.S. and these people also can be serious and 'normal', but that is another story.
We stand for cheerful and open-minded Dutch!
Sunday, September 16, 2012
"Breda Barst"
Breda taču nekad neguļ! Šajā nedēļas nogalē Bredā ir plašs mūzikas festivāls Breda Barst, kurā uzstājas gan roka, popa, metāla, tehno u.c. grupas un dīdžeji, gan alus, picas un mūzikas disku, tematisko apģērbu un aksesuāru pārdevēji!
Tas viss notiek skaistajā pilsētas parkā, kurš pēc divu dienu cilvēku masām diez vai būs tas pats mierīgais, skaistais un zaļais parks...
Šodien arī bijām baznīcā. Ļoti jauki, ka ar mums nāk sveicināties un runāties baznīcas ļaudis, kuri ar lielu interesi grib zināt, ko darām Bredā, kas ir Latvija un kā mēs šeit vispār nokļuvām!
Satikām arī ukraiņu meiteni Aleksandru, kuru aicinājām uz mūsu internacionālajām Bībeles stundām kopā ar Solomonu! Mūsu grupa aug!
*Breda never sleeps, does it? This weekend in Breda is a music festival "Breda Barst"dedicated to rock, pop, techno, metal music, and also to beer and pizza, themed clothes, music CDs and accessories' stalls. All this takes place in the central park, which is not gonna be that beautiful, peaceful and green one after these two days...
Today we also went to the church. It is very nice that church members come to greet us and ask what we do in Breda, what is Latvia and how we ended up here in general! We also met one Ukranian girl Aleksandra, and we asked her to join the Net, our international Bible lessons once a week together with Solomon! Our group expands!
Otrdienā pirms Bībeles stundas/ On Tuesday before the Bible lesson |
Today we also went to the church. It is very nice that church members come to greet us and ask what we do in Breda, what is Latvia and how we ended up here in general! We also met one Ukranian girl Aleksandra, and we asked her to join the Net, our international Bible lessons once a week together with Solomon! Our group expands!
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