Thursday, October 4, 2012

And when it rains...**

Šķiet, ka Nīderlandē ir sākusies lietus sezona! Līst daudz un regulāri. Rudens īpaši nesteidzas nākt, jo ir vēl samērā silts un zaļš.
Mums sākas eksāmenu sezona. Jāizlasa visādi papīri un jākoncentrē uzmanība uz 11. oktobri - Imagineering eksāmena dienu. Tā būs arī pēdējā diena manā 2. gadu desmitā, haha! (Vai tas kaut ko izsaka?) :)

*It seems like the rain season is on in the Netherlands! It rains often and quite much. Though autumn is not in a hurry here; still it's pretty warm and green outside.
For us the exam season starts. We have to read lots of sheets and concentrate on October 11 - the day of the exam in Imagineering. By the way, it is the last day when I'm in my 20s! How to say.. I'm marching into my 30s the next day! Does that make sense? :)

**Dziesma/ the song "When it rains" (by Paramore)
***Bildes ir ilustratīvas/ these pictures are illustrative

Monday, October 1, 2012

Septembris jau prom.. / *September is already gone..

Latvisks ēdiens! Beidzot!

Iepriekšējā nedēļa bija "pilna ar skolu", maz miega un lielu nogurumu, tomēr nedēļas nogale, mierīgi pavadīta mājās, atkal deva enerģiju jauniem piedzīvojumiem!
Svētdiena bija ļoti skaista - lēni sāk krāsoties lapas, ir dzestrs gaiss, saulaina diena, mēs spēlējam parkā badmintonu, vakarā skatāmies filmas... Nu forši!

Vietējās baznīcas mācītājs mums teicās, ka šīs esot pēdējās skaistās gada dienas; ka drīz vai katra diena būs apmākusies un lietaina, un lai mēs izbaudot skaisto laiku, kamēr tas vēl ir! To tad nu arī akcentēsim! :)

*Latvian food! Finally!

Previous week was very "fulfilled with school", lack of sleep and being tired, however the weekend, peacefully spent at home, gave back some energy for new adventures!

Sunday was also very nice - slowly leaves change colors, air is cool, the day is sunny, we play badminton in a park, later watch some movies... That's nice!
A pastor from the local church told us that these are like last sunny days of the year; that soon kind of each day will be cloudy and rainy, and that we better enjoy the weather while it's still good! That's the thing we'll try to concentrate on, then! :)