Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Ierašanās / *Arrival

Kā jau solīju, sveicieni nu jau no Bredas!
Lidojums bija ļoti jauks! Wizzair! lidmašīnas ir jaunas un modernas, pilots runā saprotamā angļu valodā un pat jokoja, stjuarti gan kaut kur steidzās un izskatījās pārāk stresaini. Tomēr laimīgi nokļuvu galā, Eindhovenā, kur satiku savu turpmāko ''dzīves biedri Bredā" - Renāti, un tūlīt pēc tam nīderlandieti Elzu. Kopā devāmies iepazīt plašās āres, urbāno Eindhovenu, nīderlandiešu vilcienu un autobusu sistēmu, un tā jau drīz bijām galamērķī Bredā!

Ak... cik Nīderlande ir loģiska, skaista, sakopta, urbāna un mierpilna zeme! Tāds ir mans pirmais iespaids. Visur ir kārtība un ērtības, izklaides un restorāni uz katra stūra, velosipēdu JŪRA, miniatūras mājiņas un mašīnas, skaisti parki ar strūklakām un atpūtniekiem, apburoša vecpilsēta ar FANTASTISKU katedrāli!!! Un vakaros ielas ir tukšas, ir iestājies pilnīgs miers...

Mūsu B&B / Out B&B

Pirmo nakti paliekam Bed and Breakfast iestādē pie vietējās holandiešu ģimenes, un jau uzreiz tiekam silti uzņemti un ērti izmitināti. Pirmā diena, un jau tiek satikti vietējie, redzētas viņu mājvietas, uzvedība, raksturs... Un tas viss ir ļoti foršs!

Ir bijusi gara, gara diena, bet ar kolosāliem iespaidiem un lielu prieku par visu jauno, kas sagaida! Rīt īevākšos arī savā dzīvoklī un centīšos nopirkt velosipēdu...

* As I promised before, greetings from Breda!
Elza & Renāte @ Breda

The flight was really nice! Wizzair! airplanes are new and modern, pilot speaks perfect English and even jokes, although flight attendants looked too busy and stressful. However I arrived happily to my destination, Eindhoven, where I met my long-term room mate Renate and my Dutch friend Elza. Together we went to explore the lowlands, urban Eindhoven, Dutch train and bus system, and soon after that we arrived to Breda!

Wow.. the Netherlands is logical, beautiful, tidy, urban and peaceful country! That's my first impression. It is clean, and places are made convenient for locals everywhere, entertainment options and restaurants are on every corner, there is like the sea of bicycles, mini houses and also mini cars, beautiful parks with fountains full with recreants, a very charming old-town with a FANTASTIC cathedral!!!
And in evenings streets are empty, it's totally calm...

For the first night in Breda we stay at a B&B guest house with a local family, and immediatelly we have got warm welcomes and a comfy room to live in. This is the first day, and already the locals are met, their homes, attitude and behaviour have been seen... And all that is really nice!

It's been a long, long day, but with awesome experiences and huge excitement about all the new what is yet to come! Tomorrow I am going to move into my apartent and try to buy a bicycle....


Absolūti tūristi / Absolute tourists

Bredas nebeidzamās kafejnīcu ielas / Never-ending steets with cafes in Breda

Es un Renāte / Me and Renāte

"Kur ir mana lidmašīna?" / And where is my...?

Ļoti nīderlandiski / Very Dutch


  1. Hi Annija,
    wow, nice to hear the experience of the last days from a different view than mine. I really enjoyed the days in Breda, and I am defenitely planning to visit you again. I hope you will have continuous warm water, internet and a bike that time... ;-).
    I wish you and Renate all the good in the upcoming 'first times', you will be fine, I am sure!
    God bless,

    1. Thank you, Elza, so much!!! Can't wait to see you again, really! :) Have an awesome vacation!
